I have Mono. It's pretty apparent now. Last week I was able to bake some serious goodness because I was roid raging pretty hard on the meds my doctor gave me. After having two fevers yesterday, my doctor decided that I needed another week on the steroids...and an antibiotic. Sigh.
The show must go on though!
Before work yesterday, I made a delicious lemon curd from scratch. I've been eating it on everything...and by itself. Don't tell.
After leaving work due to a fever and feeling like death, I continued to sit around the house.
When that got boring, I decided to make the blueberry jelly stuff that's going to be in my frosting this week. I even brought a chair into the kitchen.
I'm still being productive!
My point? The frosting is half done, and the filling is done. Now I just need to find the energy to make some cupcakes!
I keep trying to get you to rest but you just can't do it lol. The lemon curd is definitely delicious as hell :).